19 Growth! Planning for the Future of Colorado Springs
Two city planners for the City of Colorado Springs share highlights about the city’s new comprehensive plan and proposed zoning updates. These are called PlanCOS (the newest comprehensive plan) and RetoolCOS (a major update to our zoning ordinance). Their remarks are from the March 19, 2022 monthly meeting of the League of Women Voters of the Pikes Peak Region.
Guest Speakers:
Morgan Hester, AICP - Planning Supervisor
Hannah Van Nimwegen-McGuire, AICP - Senior Comprehensive Planner
League of Women Voters of the Pikes Peak Region https://www.lwvppr.org/
Speakers’ Slide Presentation https://studio809podcasts.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/League-of-Women-Voters-3-19-22.pdf
PlanCOS https://coloradosprings.gov/plancos/page/plancos
This podcast is produced by the League of Women Voters of the Pikes Peak Region (LWVPPR). The mission of the League of Women Voters is: Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy. LWVPPR members actively promote voter and civic education for the public and themselves. This podcast is made possible through the generous support of Shelly Roehrs, real estate agent at Blue Picket Realty. https://bluepicketrealty.com/agent/shelly-roehers/
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